Welcome to the first full episode of the Imaginative Discipleship podcast! Typically I’ll be interviewing guests about their perspectives on and experiences with imagination and discipleship – but in this case I’ve asked my friend and experienced podcaster Rachel Redeemed to interview me about why I’m launching this show.
What is imagination? What is discipleship? Why put the two together? What exactly prompted me to start this podcast now? What can listeners expect from upcoming episodes?
Find out all this as we begin the adventure!
Follow Imaginative Discipleship: Twitter - Instagram - Facebook - YouTube
Caleb Woodbridge - Twitter @CalebWoodbridge, Instagram calebwoodbridge
Rachel Redeemed - Twitter @RachelRedeemed, Instagram rachredeemed YouTube channel
Inspiration from:
Andrew Peterson - www.andrew-peterson.com
The Rabbit Room - www.rabbitroom.com
A big hello to the UK Moot Community!
Join on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/892284851682666
Some places I’ve written for on story and faith:
My blog and newsletter - calebwoodbridge.com / biggerinside.co.uk
Threads UK -Â https://threadsuk.com/writtenby/caleb-woodbridge
Christian Research Journal - https://www.equip.org/christian-research-journal/
Useful resources:
L’Abri Ideas Library - www.labriideaslibrary.org
Talks by Andrew Fellows:
Gentle and Lowly - Dane Ortlund - https://www.crossway.org/books/gentle-and-lowly-hcj/
Jesus Lover of my Soul - Julian Hardyman https://ivpbooks.com/jesus-lover-of-my-soul
Watch the video of this episode on YouTube.
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